Hi everyone Aaron now for Zollotech and thisis the iphone 12 pro max i’ve been using it for about a month now it’s been out to the publica little bit less than that but i’ve been using it full meter for about that sum of period nowbefore we go any further this video is in hdr so make sure you’re watching it on the youtubeapp on an iphone or if you’re on a mac make sure you’re not exercising chrome instead use safari sinceit will show up properly so if you have an hdr display you’ll see it if not you’ll just see whatlooks like ordinary video so apple tv it should work fine as well and so like i said it’s 4k hdr andhopefully you’re seeing the 4k resolution it does take a little bit of period for youtube to processthat but in general the camera seeks shocking and it’s recording from an iphone 12 pro now thisparticular phone like i said i’ve been using it for a month and i absolutely love it in fact everytime i pick it up because of the squared off edges it really feels a little bit more premium to methan the older generation now this is going to be very subjective and not everyone’s going tofeel this way but because i’ve been wanting these squared off peripheries for so long to come back sincethe 4 4s 5 and 5s now we have it with the premium line of telephones the 12 and 12 pro max and all ofthe new lineups so i really appreciate the overall squared off intend the stainless steel is holdingup well i don’t have a single label on it but it is a fingerprint magnet so if you’re not using a caseor anything like that then it will definitely testify a lot of fingerprints especially if you’re usinganything other than i guess the silver-tongued phone the darker the phone it seems to be a little bit moreof a fingerprint magnet now the nice thing is the frame overall really seems to protect the displayso this particular display doesn’t have a single scraping on it and i’m not expend a occurrence or a screenprotector i prefer the overall composition and feel of the glass and the back and i’m not utilize a casefull meter regardles and it seems to hold up really well i’ve had no issues whatsoever with it and the1 2 the iphone 12 seems to have a couple scratches on it for some reason my 12 pro max does not andi think one of the reasons why is i’m careful with it but the other thing is is the screen does notprotrude past the enclose of the phone so it doesn’t stick up over the edge like it does on the 11 promax so i’ve had zero scratchings i’m very careful with it either way but i don’t descent my phonesor anything but it’s held up extremely well although this did fall behind my nightstand wheni was trying to applied it on the the magsafe duo charger and it doesn’t have a scratch on it andit descend onto a carpet about a foot apart so it’s not that large-hearted of a spate but in general it’s held upwell i have no scratches on the lenses or anything like that though they protrude out a littlebit further than i’d like you’ll determine they stick up above the top of the lenses so even with thatthey seem to hold up really well and i’ve had no objections as far as that place travels now as faras the display overall it looks great it’s shining in sunlight it is turned the whole way up so asyou can see it’s all the way up and it does use pwm i’ve mentioned this before but that’s notreally much of an issue for me with this phone it seems to be at a high enough rate it doesn’tbother my gazes at all i’ve only sounded from a few people that say that it still irritants their eyeson any of the iphone 12 sequences so it seems to be holding up really well and in general it’s justfantastic when it comes to that so it seems like no questions there the flaunt is great it’s brightand enormou for watching video if you’re watching it in scenery it doesn’t really matter it’s justgreat overall now the showing when watching 4k hdr video is super bright so here’s my hdrvideo on youtube about my iphone 12 pro review and as you can see it’s super bright now listento the speakers as well because they’re very loud envisages on it now this video is in 4k hdr and ifit gazes all and so this particular phone has been my ultimate favorite to watch video on and listento things because the speakers are pretty good now i would say it’s much better with airpodsairpods pro or maybe even the new airpods max if you have those since those aren’t out untilthis coming week but in general talkers are great they’re raucou they’re clear and i think that’sa win for this phone now as far as its overall width well yes it’s a huge telephone and for me it waseven large-hearted going from the 11 pro max so if i applied my digit around it i can touch my digits togetherbut it’s hard to do that but “youve been” need gigantic sides in order to do that and so this is not goingto be the privilege telephone for everyone but for me size wise once i got used to it i love the huge displayon it i think it’s great and it certainly i just think it feels like one of the best telephones applehas ever uttered now as far as overall connectivity you’ll see i have 5g now with three tables 5gis pretty good in most cases it just depends where you live what carrier you have and what yoursignal strength is but let me go into race test and so we’ll go ahead and stumbled go i’m currentlyon t-mobile and we’ll demonstrate it a few moments here and let’s see what we get now we’re kind of inthe middle of nowhere and you’ll see i’m getting about 72 down now in my position with one or twobars i get faster hasten so it actually depends where you’re unearthed it doesn’t necessarilymatter how many rails of service you have so sometimes well stupendous speeding and other terms idon’t now depending where you live you’re going to get the 5g millimeter ripple and that’s the antennahere on the side i don’t currently have that through my carrier so it’s not something i useregularly but that’s more line of sight and still after exercising it a month i don’t think 5g is thatbig of a transaction 4g lte was almost as fast in some cases it’s fast most of the time 5g is faster forme but in general it’s just not that large-hearted of a cope and i think it’s not a reason to run out and getthis telephone nonetheless connectivity overall has been much better than when using an intel modem and thereason i say that is because i haven’t put a single scold with my iphone 11 pro max where theywere expending intel modems sometimes the phone calls would just drop i would have terrifying connectivityand exactly in general this seems to be much better wi-fi seems to be about the same this has wi-fisix just like any of the other ones so any of the past iphones for the past year or so andso i don’t really notice a difference there but connectivity with telephone calls and things seems tobe phenomenal now as far as overall move of use well being that it’s the latest a1 4 there’ s notreally ever a slowdown you can go into whatever you’d like it’s super fast it’s smooth all thetime and apps don’t inevitably reload all the time you’ll see i just went into youtube there itdidn’t reload and so if we go into the camera this will typically cause a reload we’re in the cameraand then we’ll go back to say youtube it’s working just fine so hastened and ram management and overalljust use feels like an iphone it’s super fast fluid just like you’d expect now the camera thecameras are remarkable as you can see the camera here i’m actually recording with a 12 pro camerawhich is basically the same in this sort of illumination at night you may verify a difference but the camerasare just phenomenal so we have this regular view then we can go to wide or zoom it’s hard to togo wide when you’re actually exercising the camera but we can go back out and now i’ve switched toultra wide so you have all of these options you can see behind you no problem of course with the1 2 pro max you can zoom in a little bit further so there’s zoom let me zoom even more we’llzoom all the way in to 7x when we’re employ video or if i switch over to photo we can zoomeven further so let’s zoom in a little bit more to 12 x and you can see it’s kind of blurry butyou can see way across there to that pier over there you can see it now in this camera soyou’ve got great photo options again wide regular and zoom and they’re allpretty great you’ve got light sketches it’s not something i use a whole lot but justin general it’s great the forward facing camera again is quite good no problems here and you’llsee i’m recording with the 12 pro like i said so it’s just a extraordinary camera in general and ihave no complaints whatsoever it’s something you could use for a primary youtube camera without anyproblems so now we’re back at 1x and as you can see it’s doing computational photography in thebackground or video where the background’s not blown out it’s hdr it appears phenomenal so only ingeneral the 12 pro max is something i could highly recommend yes it’s expensive and if you have an 11 pro max i don’t know that i’d inevitably upgrade but it is a good modernize if you require those camerasif you miss microphones that are great just like the 11 pro max and you require good battery life solet’s take a look at that so battery life over the past few daylights has been okay you’ll see i hadthree hours and four minutes of screen on time one hour and 59 times of screen off meter andi used about 40 30 to 40 percent of my battery so i’m getting 10 to 12 hours of screen on timei’m hearing the same from others with this phone and i have no complaints whatsoever when it comesto screen on time overall so it seems to be really good now as far as magsafe i’m not a huge fanof it i think it’s great it’s easy to connect and use your phone when it’s charging wirelesslybut the cable did the same thing and accused a little bit faster i think it pitches more to acompletely cableless future or portless future where we won’t have a lightning port butrather just sort of wireless connectivity or connecting by hit it to a magsafe connectorfor example so i think that’s more in our future than what we have as far as the wireless fastcharging and if you have a wireless charger previously you may want to just stick with that sincethat’s actually billing at about 7.5 to 10 watts and may retain your battery a little bit betterover time anyway so i don’t think it’s great to just rush out and buy magsafe since you alreadyhave lightning and you can connect and actually get faster rushes blaming that room so i thinkit’s great that it’s there it’s nice that it’s an option but i don’t think it’s necessarilysomething you need to run out and buy phone calls for the supplements are nice i think we’ll seemore in the future when it comes to that so that’s really all i have to say about the 12 pro max yes i most recommend it i love it after working it for a few months and i’m going to continue touse it as my primary telephone i thought i was going to use the 12 pro since it was a little bit easierto handle but i really like the extra screen real estate and the additional battery life that youget with the 12 pro max i used most recommend this phone if you’re looking for an upgrade fromsay a 10 s max or a 10 or an 8 or 8 plus this is a phenomenal modernize and i think you’ll enjoy itnow as far as the 12 pro max and if you should buy one well if you don’t have one previously andyou’re looking for a course to upgrade from say an 8 plus or something like that then utterly iwould modernize this is by far my favorite phone in a long time and i actually really like thisblue color it’s almost grey-headed in certain light so i just like it in general but let me know what youthink about it in the comments below and of course if you’d like to get your hands on this wallpaperi’ll tie-in it in the description like i usually do and if you haven’t subscribed alreadyplease subscribe and if you enjoyed the video being given it a like as ever thanks forwatching this is Aaron i’ll see you next time
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